
Truth. Trust. Transparency.
Our Flow Meter ±0.005%do business with us
OmniSense Labs
All Sensing.
Extract more gains from your production.
"Omni"  (descriptive n.)
  • All
"Sense"  (n.)
  • Sensory data.
Affordable Quality
Incredible & affordable instruments for oil & gas data, 24/7
Reduce total operation costs by 30%-45%
Calibration-level quality
Monitor remotely with an AI-sidekick
At a fraction of the industry cost, we provide a physical to digital system for the entire oil & gas value chain that every operator can have access to. Whether for new implementation of our products or retrofitting existing systems with our assets, this easy-to-implement solution allows oil & gas operators generate production data, 24/7.
See everything in one place.
Visual spatial mapping of devices based off geo-location. Example...
ID: Omni Flow Meter #4
Pressure: 250 psi
Temperature: 20 c'
Flow Rate: 200 L/min
Moisture: 10.5%
ID: Omni Flow Meter #1
Pressure: 180 psi
Temperature: 19.8 c'
Flow Rate: 135 L/min
Moisture: 11.2%
ID: Omni Flow Meter #3
Pressure: 170 psi
Temperature: 20.5 c'
Flow Rate: 160 L/min
Moisture: 12%
ID: Omni Flow Meter #2
Pressure: 170 psi
Temperature: 19 c'
Flow Rate: 180 L/min
Moisture: 9.1%
Flow Movement
Pressure (psi): #
Temperature (F', C'): 
Flow Rate (L/min):
Moisture (mm/ Flow) as %: 
Pressure (psi): #
Temperature (F', C'): 
Flow Rate (L/min):
Moisture (mm/ Flow) as %: 
Pressure (psi): #
Temperature (F', C'): 
Flow Rate (L/min):
Moisture (mm/ Flow) as %: 
Pressure (psi): #
Temperature (F', C'): 
Flow Rate (L/min):
Moisture (mm/ Flow) as %: 
3D Digital Twin
Critical Alerts
AI Reports
Connect your OmniSensors to our dashboard and you're ready to go.
  • 3D digital twin -
  • Graphs & Analytics -
  • Critical Operational Alerts - operators can receive real-time alerts on critical issues that may arise on a daily basis.
  • AI summaries and targeted reports -
MVP OmniFlow Meter
The star of the show with flow rate uncertainty accuracy at +/- 0.005%
TAA, BAA, and NDAA compliant
Calibration Lab quality flow rate readings
Monitor remotely
At a fraction of the cost, we provide a physical to digital system for the entire oil & gas value chain that every operator can have access to. Whether for new implementation of our products or retrofitting existing systems with our assets, this easy-to-implement solution allows oil & gas operators generate production data, 24/7.
Install our system anywhere and receive data, 24/7
Network anywhere on planet earth
Crazy network throughput
Easy maintenance
When we say "install our system anywhere" we mean anywhere. Depending on your location and the topography of your area, we have a means to bring you top-tier network connectivity, anywhere.

Whether you're at the bottom of the ocean, in the dessert, in the mountains, or away from all civilization known to mankind, we can bring a network to you.
Full-Suite Package Deal
Flow Meter, Network, Dashboard...
Network anywhere on planet earth
24x-300x more network throughput
Easy maintainance
Transform your entire production with state-of-the-art solutions.